Imagine a world where...

Sex is celebrated as natural, healthy and enlivening.

Pleasure is upheld as the birth right of all beings.

Conversations about intimacy are juicy and joyful.

The wounds of separation are healed: between men and women, head and heart, sex and the sacred.

Eros is seen as a natural dimension of being human and sacred dimension of what is beyond human.

We revere and are revered by one another.

You are turned on to Life.

Are you seeking...

Tantra Massage

Full body ecstatic awakening for men


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Tantric Tuition

Private sessions for solo explorers & couples


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Massage Training

Learn the art and practice of Tantra massage


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Sacred Path of the Initiatrix

Group training and mentoring for female practitioners

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You're in expert hands

With over ten years experience in the field of Sacred Sexuality, Gayatri is considered a master practitioner and guide by participants and peers alike.

Gayatri has initiated hundreds of folks into the art of Tantric touch and created an inspired community of sensual enthusiasts.

More about Gayatri

Upcoming Events

Experience Gayatri's sacred work in person at the following upcoming happennings...


Authentic aliveness through intimacy and embodiment. Curated and guided by Gayatri and Catherine Hale.

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Join our mailing list to receive info on upcoming offerings and insights from Gayatri.

Plus a FREE download of the guide "4 Essential Steps
to Sensational Touch".