Tantra Massage for Men

Allow yourself to be honoured as a man and enlivened as a human being through this  massage ritual experience.

For a man, to relax into receiving rather than pressured into performance, can be a liberating journey into surrender and erotic expansion beyond what you thought possible.

This massage celebrates the whole body, including the lingam (penis), in its aliveness and divinity. Using conscious touch, a variety of strokes and sensations with breath work, Gayatri guides you towards full body ecstasy.

Male receiving tantric massage from female

This massage can be received on a futon on the floor or massage table according to your preference. Touch is one-way, from giver to receiver, in order that you have the opportunity to go deeply into yourself during the experience.

With more than ten years experience offering Tantric bodywork, let Gayatri be your guide to the true potential of Tantra massage.

With Tantra massage you can...

  • Ignite your sexual energy from the inside out
  • Create a strong container for your sexual energy so that you can “hold the charge” of aliveness and experience more pleasure
  • Have more choice around how you harness your sexual energy
  • Expand your capacity for pleasure and move towards full body orgasm
  • Connect with breath, sound and movement – the keys to energy awakening
  • Release sexual shame and barriers to fuller expression
  • Experience expanded states of consciousness
  • Explore your authentic erotic expression; free from pressure of performance and full of pleasure potential

"Previously I had thought of Tantric massage as being a general term for sensual massage... My visit to Gayatri showed things in a very different light. The combination of massage, breathing,  intimate contact and some laughter left me experiencing an amazing body awareness. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before.” - David

"It's so lovely and exciting being with you in a state of intimacy and sexual freedom. You seem to combine eroticism, genuine affection and wholesomeness in a very rare and precious mixture." - Brian

“It was the most sensual, arousing, intimate and emotionally uplifting experience I've ever had. Thank you for your warmth, openness and generosity. You accepted me as I am and I've never been touched or embraced like that. I can definitely say that I've experienced a genuine Tantric Massage!” - Chris


Tantra massage sessions for men are offered at Gayatri's home temple space in North Dorset.

Sessions include the following:

  • Introductory chat to give guidance on the experience and how to get the most from it
  • Clarity on your needs, preferences and personal bound
  • Tuning into your intention
  • Initiation into the three keys of awakening energy
  • Opening ritual
  • Full body ecstatic awakening massage
  • Integration and rest
  • Closing ritual, including space to share reflections



Gayatri works with men who are seeking a journey of sexual healing and awakening rather than a one-off experience. Therefore booking multiple sessions comes with preferential rates.

Individual Session - ÂŁ450 (3 hours)

Block of 3 Sessions - ÂŁ950 (First session is 3 hours and the two subsequent sessions are 2 hours each. Monthly payment plan available to spread out the cost.)

The longer we have, the deeper we can go...

Book your Exploration Call