Erotic Education for Men

There are not many spaces where it’s ok for a man to make mistakes… especially not in the bedroom.

You are somehow expected to know how to do sex without ever having been shown.
You ask her what she likes but don’t get much information to go on.
Or she tells you what she doesn’t like and you end up feeling even more lost.
You try to copy the things you’ve seen in porn but it’s a total disaster.

There’s anxiety, perhaps even a sense of shame, around getting it “wrong”.
Confusion about what a woman really wants.
And a longing to be more intimatemore connected, and experience more pleasure.
Much more.

Let’s get in the sandbox together…

In the world of IT, the “sandbox” is the place of development before a product or programme goes live. Beyond that, the sandbox is the place where as a kid you could play and get messy.

This is an opportunity to get the sex education you never had before… ask questions, receive guidance and feedback, and have permission to make “mistakes” so that you can discover what really works for you.

And talk about sex…

Many men tell me that having an open and honest conversation with a woman about sexuality, pleasure and desire is one of the most inspiring and liberating aspects of our time together.

Having worked in the field of sexuality since 2012, there is very little that I haven’t already seen or heard.

I create a warm and welcoming space where it's safe to discover who you really are as a sexual and sensual being.

It's an honour to be your erotic guide.

“Gayatri really is very special. It’s not just the amazing breadth of skills she has but the great care and attention with which she uses them. I went to edges that I’ve never been to but at no point did this feel unsafe. I felt like I could go there because I had so much trust in Gayatri's ability to help me navigate there safely and always with laughter. There were such profounds moments for me.” - Andrew

"You have had an enormous influence on my life after years of darkness. You reminded me how to be a man again. Such a special woman. I have been so fortunate to have benefitted from your love and sensuality. My mojo is now sky high and my new relationship blossoming. I can’t thank you enough." - John

"Time spent with Gayatri leaves a deep impression. She creates a welcoming, nurturing and safe space which allowed me to go to places unknown and unexplored. I knew I was in the hands of someone who cared, an intuitive guide and also a fellow traveller. She is completely committed to being a partner to one’s own journey. I loved my time with her." - Paul

With erotic education you can...

  • Become more confident and assured in yourself as a man and a lover
  • (Re) discover intimacy and why it’s so much more than the physical
  • Explore the art of giving and receiving
  • Learn the principles of generous erotic touch
  • Learn about boundaries through the verbal (consent conversation) and non-verbal (reading the signs)
  • Deepen in presence and expand in atunement
  • Discover the mysteries of female arousal, and why it’s not so mysterious after all
  • Take a tour of the female body and receive the sex education you never had
  • Learn about blocks to female pleasure and why it matters
  • Expand your erotic repertoire and experience more pleasure


Erotic Education sessions are offered at Gayatri's home temple space in North Dorset and online.



Individual Session - £550 (3 hours) 
Full Day - £950 (2 x 3 hour sessions, plus light lunch)
Block of 3 Sessions - £950 (First session is 3 hours and the two subsequent sessions are 2 hours each.)

Individual Session - £120 (one hour)
Block of 3 Sessions - £290 (3 x one hour)

The longer we have, the deeper we can go...

Book your Exploration Call